October 17, 2023

VanHack Leverages CDAP with Focus21 and Highly Recommends Our Team

In this insight article, we share the successful experience of VanHack using the Canada Digital Adoption Program, which will accelerate its growth thanks to the resources provided by this government initiative.

Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is an innovative governmental initiative launched in 2021. It aims to encourage private companies from various sectors of the Canadian economy to embark on digital transformation, offering unprecedented opportunities for growth. VanHack took advantage of this opportunity.

VanHack is a unique platform that connects top-tier developers, digital marketing specialists, designers, and other professionals interested in relocating and starting work in new companies. Currently, the platform serves over 370,000 users from 100 countries around the world.

Ilya Brotzky, CEO at VanHack, founded the company about 10 years ago. At that time, he visited Brazil and met numerous talented developers who had limited English proficiency and did not know how to market themselves to companies. He decided to assist them, which became the foundation for the creation of a platform that remains popular today.

The Canada Digital Adoption Program offers numerous benefits for businesses:

  • A grant of 15,000 dollars for the development of a digital technology implementation plan.
  • An interest-free loan of up to 100,000 dollars for 6 years for digital business transformation.
  • 7,300 dollars Wage Subsidy to aid in implementing their digital plan.

The resources obtained through CDAP can be used in various aspects of the company's operations. In collaboration with qualified consultants, one can develop a highly effective plan for the implementation of new technologies. We cannot disclose the specifics of how VanHack will allocate these resources, but we can discuss the general ideas.

Ilya Brotzky, CEO at VanHack, highly recommends the Focus21 team for assistance with CDAP.

Acceleration of Advanced Technology Implementation. The resources acquired through the CDAP can be a pivotal factor in enhancing the speed and efficiency of new IT solution implementation. VanHack will be able to develop new databases and software for effective talent acquisition.

Digital transformation involves the active use of cutting-edge technological solutions, which in turn requires the engagement of skilled IT professionals. CDAP will facilitate the talent relocation process for VanHack, making the company more attractive on the global stage.

Training and Preparing Employees for New Technologies. Digital transformation isn't merely about implementing new technologies. It also encompasses the need to retrain current employees and adapt to evolving work processes. CDAP can assist in this aspect as well.

Considering the company's global presence, there may be a need to train teams from various countries. In this context, resources acquired through CDAP can aid in organizing international training events, ensuring not just knowledge transfer but also a cultural exchange between teams.

Enhancing the Digital Platform for Talent Interaction. One of VanHack's primary directions is also improving the platform for interacting with potential talents. CDAP resources can be channeled towards developing new capabilities for the platform, which already possesses numerous advantages.

Moreover, for optimal talent search and relocation efficiency, the company might need advanced solutions in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. CDAP can serve as a starting point for investing in these technologies, providing the company with a competitive edge in the market.

The Canada Digital Adoption Program can be a key growth and development factor for VanHack. This governmental initiative provides the necessary resources for innovation, ensuring a high level of market competitiveness. The company will gain access to modern, reliable, and secure technological solutions.

While the application process for participating in the CDAP might seem intricate, our specialists will assist you in understanding all its nuances. Learn more about the program's specifics and selection criteria in our dedicated section on Canada Digital Adoption Program.

Are you eligible for the CDAP program?


Nick Griс



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